Letter by Stefan Humiecki, the Voivode of Podolia, to Adam Sieniawski concerning the Jewish self-government of Podolia

The Voivode of Podolia rejects the allegations made by Sieniawski’s Jews that the Jewish assemblies were held only in the Voivode’s property, and never in Sieniawski’s estates. However, due to the numerous complaints made by the Jews over the excessive costs imposed on the Jews arriving for the assemblies, he decided that since then the assemblies would be held in his properties, but the 400 złp due from the Jewish self-government would be allocated to the inhabitants of the Voivodeship, and that he would leave first such sum at Sieniawski's disposal.

Archive: The Czartoryski Library in Krakow
Reference Number: BC 5834, s.879-881
Language: Polish
Creation Date: 20.04.1722
Place of origin: Lwów
Geographical names: Lviv (Lwów), Podolia (Podole)